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DIN EN 1822 and DIN EN ISO 29463

Test standard for HEPA filters

Filter classes of the DIN standard EN 1822

The DIN standard EN 1822 is a filter standard for HEPA filters and includes the filter classes:

The standard enables a method for testing the separation efficiency based on a particle counting method using a liquid (or alternatively a solid) test aerosol and enables a uniform classification of the HEPA filters according to the separation efficiency. It covers testing the filtration performance of high performance particulate filters (EPA), particulate matter filters (HEPA) and high performance particulate matter filters (ULPA) at the manufacturing plant.

Innovation DIN EN ISO 29463

The test standard DIN EN 1822 forms the basis for the new ISO 29463 and applies to high-performance particle filters and high-performance particulate matter filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). At the same time, the new standard replaces parts of DIN EN 1822. The introduction of ISO 29463 has the consequence that air filters are classified according to EN 1822 Part 1, but tested according to ISO 29463 Parts 2-5.

Source: Publications (

GroupFilter class DIN EN 1822Filter class ISO 29463Separation efficiency - integral valueLocal value
EPAE 10-> 85 %
EPAE 11ISO 15 E> 95 %
EPA-ISO 20 E> 99 %
EPAE 12ISO 25 E> 99,5 %
EPA-ISO 30 E> 99,9 %
HEPAH 13ISO 35 H> 99,95 %> 99,75 %
HEPA-ISO 40 H> 99,99 %> 99,95 %
HEPAH 14ISO 45 H> 99,995 %> 99,975 %
HEPA-ISO 50 H> 99,999 %> 99,995 %
ULPAH 15ISO 55 U> 99,9995 %> 99,9975 %
ULPA-ISO 60 U> 99,9999 %> 99,9995 %
ULPAU 16ISO 65 U> 99,99995 %> 99,99975 %
ULPA-ISO 70 U> 99,99999 %> 99,9999 % 
ULPAU 17ISO 75 U> 99,999995 %> 99,9999 %

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