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Compact filter

Products & industries > Compact filter

Energie und Kosten sparen bei optimaler Filterleistung

Compact filter

Compact filter Auch V cells called, play a crucial role in the air Treatment in living and working environments. They are designed to remove dust, pollen, allergens, bacteria and other harmful particles from the air. This will not only… air quality improved, but also reduced the risk of respiratory diseases.

Due to the three or four filter cells arranged in a V-shape, the Compact filter Auch 3V- respectively 4V cell called. The main advantages of compact filters are high Nominal volume flows, the energy efficiency, the long service life and the compact design. Therefore, the compact filter is not only used for ventilation systems, but also valued for cleaning the ambient air of gas turbines and compressors. We have two different production lines for our compact filters.

ISO 16890

Made in EU

Areas of application

Compact filters improve air quality, reduce contamination and protect against harmful particles. Compact filters are used as pre- or main filters in these areas, among others:

  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVACsystems)
  • Health services
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Food industry
  • Data Centers
  • industrial applications
  • gas turbines
  • Process ventilation


  • Completely hydrophobic filter design
  • Fully incinerable
  • Moisture-resistant construction
  • No fiber abrasion
  • Filter classes DIN ISO 16890: ePM10 55%, ePM2,5 65%, ePM1 80%
  • Filter classes EN779: M5, F7, F9 – also available as a HEPA filter on request: E10, H13, H14
  • Environmentally friendly: frame with 100% recycled content possible

Top Line DE

  • Folding package made of 100% PP
  • All components “Made in Germany”
  • Excellent stability
  • Optimized flow properties
  • Very high mechanical filtration performance
  • Best handling when exchanging
  • Temperature resistance up to max. 80 °C (short-term up to 100 °C possible)
  • Can withstand up to 125% of the normal flow velocity (burst pressure at over 2.500 Pa)

Performance Line EU

  • Folding package made of PP and PET
  • All components “Made in EU”
  • High mechanical filtration performance
  • Good flow properties
  • Very good stability
  • Easy handling when replacing
  • Temperature resistance up to max. 70 °C

Erweiterte Merkmale

Technical data

Top Line DE (592 x 592 x 292)

Filter classes ISO 16890Nominal volume flowInitial pressure lossFilter classes DIN EN 779: 2012
ePM10 55 %3.400 m³/h44 PaM5
ePM2,5 65 %3.400 m³/h81 PaF7
ePM1 80 %3.400 m³/h112 PaF9

Performance Line EU (592 x 592 x 292)

Filter classes ISO 16890Nominal volume flowInitial pressure lossFilter classes DIN EN 779: 2012
ePM10 55 %3.200 m³/h55 PaM5
ePM1 70 %3.400 m³/h78 PaF7
ePM1 80 %2.800 m³/h92 PaF9

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Product design, analytics and prototyping

Our development service

Product design, analytics and prototyping

Our team develops individual filter concepts that are tailored precisely to your requirements. Trust in our expertise to simplify your development work and create innovative solutions.

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