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Taking responsibility

Our strategy BRANOgreen stands for the fulfillment of our sustainability goals in all areas of our company. This sustainability strategy includes not only ecological goals, but also social and economic behavior. With regular sustainability reports, we strive to create complete transparency regarding our approach and goals towards our customers, suppliers and business partners.


Electricity from renewable energy sources


less waste than 2020


Green district heating

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FSC certified since 2021

FSC certified since 2021

Switching our forest-based products to certified materials

CO2 – neutral production

CO2 – neutral production

until 2025 at our location in Dietenhofen

Sustainability kit

Sustainability kit

Environmentally friendly solutions tailored to your products

BRANOfilter is FSC® certified!

Conservation of forest resources

BRANOfilter is FSC® certified!

As part of the FSC certification, we are expanding our sustainability focus to include forest-based product components and their supply chain. FSC offers us the opportunity to make a contribution to conserving resources and at the same time stick to our established quality standards.

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BRANOgreen Filter bags made from recycled material

Environmentally friendly and authentic

BRANOgreen Filter bags made from recycled material

After extensive development work, BRANOfilter has succeeded in creating a sustainable dust bag with a Recycling content of over 80% and an impressive one Filter performance of 99,99% to design. The integrated recycled material not only leads to significant resource savings, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by a remarkable 40%. Since December 2023, the concept can be transferred to a variety of filter bag products, including for the industrial and household sectors.

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Sustainability report 2022

Sustainability report 2022

We at BRANOfilter have recorded our path towards more sustainability from an economic, social and economic perspective in our 2022 Sustainability Report. The complete report can be downloaded here on our website.

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Start a conversation

We are here to help you. Whether you have questions, are looking for tailor-made solutions or simply want initial advice. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Your concerns are important to us. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to assist you.

BRANOfilter GmbH

Industriestraße 23

90599 Dietenhofen


Phone: +49 9824 955 0


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